Jean Yang of Akita Software

I am excited to welcome Jean Yang as our guest for our meetup this Wednesday, June 17 at 7 pm[…]

Office Hours

This month, we'll be having office hours in lieu of a speaker. This is a chance to show off works-in-progress,[…]

Eric Normand, “Grokking Simplicity”

Zoom (connection info provided in comments)

What is functional programming? Sure, there are academic answers, but is there a good definition that encompasses all that we[…]

Holiday Social


In lieu of a speaker, we will gather online for end-of-the-year merrymaking.  BYOB! Connection information is below.

OCaml Café


Join us with your questions about the OCaml language, or just to hang out with the OCaml community. Especially geared[…]


OCaml Café


OCaml Café offers a friendly, low stakes opportunity to ask questions about the OCaml language and ecosystem, work through programming[…]


OCaml Café


OCaml Café offers a friendly, low stakes opportunity to ask questions about the OCaml language and ecosystem, work through programming[…]
