Kai Zhu, “Frontend Development with SQLite and WebAssembly”

Improving (Hybrid) 10111 Richmond Ave, Suite 100, Houston, TX, United States

Kai will demonstrate a production day-trading dashboard where all states and models are stored in a separate webworker-thread running SQLite. […]


Andy Chu, “Oils for Functional Programmers”

Improving (Hybrid) 10111 Richmond Ave, Suite 100, Houston, TX, United States

Abstract: TBA Bio: Creator of the Oils project, recovered Bay Area programmer. Claude Jager-Rubinson is inviting you to a scheduled[…]


Claude Jager-Rubinson, “The Recurse Center”

Improving (Hybrid) 10111 Richmond Ave, Suite 100, Houston, TX, United States

Abstract: The Recurse Center (RC) hosts programming retreats ("batches") founded upon the complementary pillars of radical self-direction and community engagement,[…]


Venkat Subramaniam, TBA

Improving (Hybrid) 10111 Richmond Ave, Suite 100, Houston, TX, United States

Richard Feldman, TBA

Improving (Hybrid) 10111 Richmond Ave, Suite 100, Houston, TX, United States

Abstract: TBA Bio: Richard is the creator of the Roc functional programming language, the author of “Elm in Action” from[…]